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View Certificates


We are currently working on making the setup and upgrade process to Automate HA a seamless experience. If you are already using Chef Automate HA, or are planning to use it, please contact your customer success manager or account manager for more information.

Certificates can be viwed for different services using below commands.

Viewing certificates of all services

To view certificates of all services, run the following command:

chef-automate cert show 

Viewing certificates of Automate cluster

To view certificates of Automate cluster, run the following command:

chef-automate cert show --automate
chef-automate cert show -a
chef-automate cert show --a2

Viewing certificates of Chef Server cluster

To view certificates of Chef Server cluster, run the following command:

chef-automate cert show --chef_server
chef-automate cert show -c
chef-automate cert show --cs

Viewing certificates of Postgresql cluster

To view certificates of Postgresql cluster, run the following command:

chef-automate cert show --postgresql
chef-automate cert show -p
chef-automate cert show --pg

Viewing certificates of OpenSearch cluster

To view certificates of OpenSearch cluster, run the following command:

chef-automate cert show --opensearch
chef-automate cert show -o
chef-automate cert show --os


  • You can also view certificates of a specific node of a service by passing the node’s IP address as a flag --node <IP_ADDRESS> or -n <IP_ADDRESS> to the above commands.
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