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Sudo Password


We are currently working on making the setup and upgrade process to Automate HA a seamless experience. If you are already using Chef Automate HA, or are planning to use it, please contact your customer success manager or account manager for more information.

This page explains enabling the sudo password for the Chef Automate High Availability (HA) deployment.

If you have configured the sudo password for the user, you need to create an environment variable sudo_password and set the password as the variable’s value. Example: export sudo_password=YOUR_SUDO_PASSWORD. One done, run all sudo commands with the sudo -E or --preserve-env option. Example: sudo -E chef-automate iam version. This is required for the chef-automate CLI to run the commands with sudo privileges.

Steps to Enable Sudo Password

To enable the sudo password for the Chef Automate HA deployment, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a sudo_password environment variable. Example: export sudo_password=1234.

  2. Pass the sudo_password environment variable to the chef-automate CLI commands. Example: sudo -E chef-automate iam version.

    a. To pass all your environment variables, including the sudo_password to the chef-automate CLI commands, you can use the -E or --preserve-env option. Example: sudo -E chef-automate iam version or sudo --preserve-env chef-automate iam version.

    b. To pass the sudo_password environment variable to the chef-automate CLI commands, you can supply the environment variable name to the --preserve-env argument. Example: sudo --preserve-env=sudo_password chef-automate iam version.

  3. You can also set environment variables directly in the sudo command. Example: sudo sudo_password=1234 chef-automate iam version.

Pass the sudo_password environment variable to all the chef-automate CLI commands.

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